Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Last Day of Term

Get among

that rusty filing cabinet's unruly drawers.

Half a class

Says the holidays have begun.

Video filler.

Heath Ledger's Lord Ulrich

(von Liechtenstein)

cashing in

at the armoury exchange

all talk's in florins.

shades of Ned Kelly

behind the visor

his Saxon blood

the 'modern' soundtrack

surprises with Golden Years

Noone knows Bowie's

an exaggeration -

Brandon does.

Monday, March 29, 2010


the sun wouldn’t look out of place
here but doesn’t show & leaves the beach

cold. this side of a window streaked with rain
the lifesaver finishes her Reflections trilogy.

Friday, March 26, 2010

new southerly

The new issue of Southerly is out; it features poetry by Pam Brown, Peter Dawncy, John Tranter, Keri Glastonbury, Ken Bolton, Laurie Duggan, Kate Lilley, Gig Ryan, Kerry Leves, Ali Jane smith, Connie Barber, Rae Desmond Jones, Lucy Dougan, myself, and many others. It also contains some compelling critical work including a piece by John Tranter in which he examines his many, varied approaches to writing poetry (worth it for this item alone).

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010


The new foam:e (7) is online. This issue's editor, Louise Waller, did a great job - correspondence was prompt and I thought it was a good idea that she posted a test site which accommodated any late changes contributors wanted to make. The current issue features work by KJ, Iain Britton, Jena Woodhouse, Stu Hatton, Lyn Reeves, Michael Aiken, Natalie Knight and others including me. (A link to my two poems.)

Friday, March 19, 2010


"i couldnt help but notice

in your powerpoint

presentation a typo

graphical world war eleven"

the way the girls

in the middle row

custom those circles

& hearts over their eyes

or pock-marked walls

wear posters as masks

note passing? verbal detour

with eyes like these eyes fore

see the next blind consensus

call this kind of rhyme coincidence?

school bell/e & siren alike

to your minimalist shoelaces -

know nothing eludes me

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

out of the box

Last Friday night I attended the Sydney launch of the Puncher and Wattman poetry anthology, Out of the Box. Comprised of ninety-seven poems by thirty-three gay and lesbian poets from around Australia, it's edited by leading poets Michael Farrell and Jill Jones. There were some memorable readings on the night, and beyond the event of the launch itself, it's been a delight making my way through the anthology. Great stuff Jill and Michael, and Puncher and Wattman.